REQUEST FOR RESEARCH PROPOSALS for 2013/14 – Marine Renewable Energy

The Canadian marine renewable energy industry has played a leading and active role in the development of International Standards through the International Electrotechnical Commission Technical Committee 114 (IEC/TC114) for “Marine Energy – Wave, Tidal and other Water Current Energy Converters” since 2007. To ensure that Canada maintains this leading role, it is critical that Canadians engage in research activities that that will accelerate the development of standards and also ensure that Canadian strategic interested are well represented in the international process. 

This request for proposals is a result of this mandate to maintain a leading role and is supported by the funding received through ecoEII project, RENE-048:”‘Development of Codes and Standards for Marine Energy – Wave and Tidal Energy Converters”. 

SMC/IEC TC114 is soliciting proposals from Canadian industry and academic groups who are interested in performing research that will accelerate the development of international Marine energy technical specification and standards currently being developed through IEC/TC 114. 

CLICK HERE for the full request for proposals

CLICK HERE for an additional Q&A document, designed to answer questions you may have and provide additional information. 

The proponent is requested to complete the Research Proposal Form contained in Appendix B of the request for proposals. Additional supporting information can be submitted with the proposal but this is not a mandatory requirement. The proposal must include sufficient detail to allow for a proper evaluation by the Chair’s Advisory Group. 

The proposals must be submitted to Marine Renewables Canada by March 31st, 2013. All responses are to be emailed to 

Questions should be directed to:

Amanda White, Operations Director
Marine Renewables Canada
Phone: (902) 717-0716