Marine Renewables Canada unites businesses and organizations with interests and capabilities in the growing tidal, offshore wind, wave, and river current energy market. Together, with our members, we work to advance shared policy goals, catalyze new business opportunities, and accelerate development of marine renewable energy in Canada and internationally.

As a member of Marine Renewables Canada you will have the opportunity to build relationships with other members and use Marine Renewables Canada’s network of domestic and international contacts to gain market intelligence and keep on the forefront of activities and opportunities in Canada and globally. You will inform, and benefit from, our advocacy, engagement, and education efforts across the country.

Grow your business and the marine renewable energy sector as a member of Marine Renewables Canada. Learn more about membership with us by viewing our comprehensive membership package below or view here.

Marine Renewables Canada Membership Policy can be found here.

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Our members are leaders in Canada’s marine renewable energy industry and we are here to provide support, help them grow, and ensure their voice is heard, as we build this sector together.

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Membership Renewal Form

  • Please choose one of the above options **if renewing as an Individual or Student member, please choose N/A
  • Please choose one of the above options **if joining as a Government, Individual or Student member, please choose N/A
  • $ 0.00 CAD