Regional Member Meeting in Campbell River, BC – Marine Renewables Canada

Regional Member Meeting ~ April 19, 2013 in Campbell River, BC

Marine Renewables Canada will be hosting a regional meeting for its members on April 19th, 2013 in Campbell River, BC.

**We are also hosting a Public Open House the evening prior, on April 18th, at the same location. CLICK HERE for details.

Despite roughly 30 active marine energy investigative license applications in BC, a half dozen Canadian marine energy device technology vendors, numerous talented Canadian design/service firms and a handful of emerging Canadian marine renewable energy developers, Canada will not be successful in moving quickly enough to harness the promising world market for technology and services without some kind of enabling program.  The purpose of this meeting is to discuss marine renewable energy in Canada and specifically British Columbia and to focus on establishing regional collaboration/initiatives to support advancement of the industry.

The format of this meeting will include presentations by a select number of representatives from industry, followed by open discussion. Members of the local community, provincial and federal government have also been invited to attend and participate.

Detailed agenda to follow.

Date: Friday, April 19th, 2013

Time: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm

Location: Maritime Heritage Centre, Thulin Room

Morning refreshments and lunch will be provided.

Please RSVP to by April 12th, 2013. 

Hotel Accommodations: A block of hotel rooms have been held at the Coast Discovery Inn and Marina at a rate of $89 per night (including breakfast). To reserve your room, please call 250-287-7155/800-800-27678 and refer to the group reservation code GFC1657. 

For questions or more information, please contact:

Amanda White, Operations Director
Marine Renewables Canada
(902) 717-0716