The Maritimes Energy Association’s 2016 Annual Dinner
January 27, 2016
Halifax, NS ~ The Westin Nova Scotian
Presented by Terrapure Environmental, The Maritimes Energy Association’s 33rd Annual Dinner is taking place at the Westin Nova Scotian Hotel on January 27th, 2016. The Maritimes Energy Association’s Annual Dinner is the premiere annual event to discuss the state of our industry and to share in the successes of our members.
Chairperson of the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board (CNSOPB) Mr. Keith MacLeod will be the keynote speaker.
With the recent approval granted to Shell Canada Ltd. by the C-NSOPB to drill offshore Nova Scotia, Keith will share a timely perspective on the
status of offshore exploration and development in Nova Scotia. Keith will also provide insight into the CNSOPB’s role and the
regulatory changes that are pending which will be of utmost interest and importance to all of the local players in the energy industry.
Please click here to visit the official event page and to register today!