Canada’s Marine Renewable Energy Supplier Database
The emergence of a global marine renewable energy industry presents new opportunities for Canadian businesses. Marine renewable energy projects require an extensive team of services and suppliers to support the lifecycle of a project. A range of skills, supplies and services are needed—including marine scientists and engineers, mechanical and electrical technicians, vessels, sensory instruments, divers, steel fabrication, manufacturing and supporting expertise such as insurance, legal, transportation, and financial services.
Canada has a strong tradition in offshore, ocean, and energy industries, with many businesses well positioned to contribute to marine renewable energy development. By innovating and developing expertise through early projects and development activity, Canadian suppliers have an opportunity to develop solutions and provide the strategic approaches needed by the growing world market.
To support industry growth and connect Canadian suppliers with marine renewable energy development opportunities, Marine Renewables Canada launched a Supplier Database in November 2016. The database is designed as a tool to connect Canada’s expertise with wave, tidal, and river current energy development needs locally, nationally, and internationally.
The database will continue to be a work in progress, as it does not yet include all of the suppliers throughout Canada that could apply expertise and services to the marine renewable energy sector. Marine Renewables Canada will be focusing on continuous improvements to the database, helping to ensure increased visibility for suppliers across the country.
We invite all businesses and organizations with relevant capabilities to join this database and help us grow Canada’s marine renewable energy industry. (Please note that this is a database intended to host Canadian suppliers. Businesses and organizations who are interested in joining the database, must have a Canadian-based office.
Questions? Please contact:
Scott Biggar