Home to Overseas (H2O) Conference – June 8th, 2016





The Home to Overseas (H20) Conference, is fast approaching.  Register now for this June 8 event.

Atlantic Canada, and Nova Scotia in particular, is home to ground breaking oceans research and a strong cluster of oceans industries.  This region is quickly becoming a globally recognized hub of oceans expertise with the potential to be a significant contributor to a number of Global Value Chains associated with the oceans sector. The H20 Home to Overseas Conference is an ideal event to engage with local ocean technology industry.

The Conference will include:

  • Oceans Industry Showcase – **Marine Renewables Canada and members will have a large “Marine Renewable Energy” area in this showcase
  • International Delegates
  • Research, Development and Commercialization Workshops
  • Big Data session
  • Oceans Gala Dinner – This year’s key note gala dinner speaker is Dr James Bellingham, Director of the Center for Marine Robotics at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

More details can be found by clicking the hyperlinks below.


Registration Fees


Big Data Session

Student Competition

Gala Dinner Keynote Speaker


Also the Oceans Week Website is up and running and is being updated daily to show what will be happening in Halifax throughout the week long event.