ecoEII Marine Renewable Energy-Focused Projects Announced
On May 3, 2013, the Government of Canada announced the remaining projects receiving funding from the ecoEnergy Innovation Initiative. Approximately $7.1 million was allocated to marine renewable energy R&D and demonstration projects under the program. Ranging from industry standards development to the establishment of a grid-connected hydrokinetic test site in Manitoba, these projects will provide some of the necessary building blocks to evolve Canada’s marine renewable energy sector. Following are details on each project:
Reducing the Cost of In-stream Tidal Energy Generation through Comprehensive Hydrodynamic Site Assessment
Lead Proponent: Acadia University
Location: Wolfville, Nova Scotia
Funding: $1,630,112
This project consists of a comprehensive and innovative site assessment at three tidal energy development sites with a view to determining the configuration and design of an optimal turbine array, which minimizes the cost of the electricity produced. The assessment of the sites will not only focus on greatest energy potential, but will also consider the engineering, construction and operational costs associated with different tidal energy converter technologies. The results will be used to optimize the design of the arrays and to estimate the maintenance and operational costs for each site.
Project Partners:
Clean Current Power Systems Inc.
Dalhousie University
Dynamic Systems Analysis Ltd.
Fundy Tidal Inc.
University of New Brunswick
Canadian Hydrokinetic Turbine Test Centre
Lead Proponent: University of Manitoba
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Funding: $2,500,000
This project will support the development of Canada’s hydrokinetic industry – which aims to harness energy from ocean waves, tides, and river currents – contributing to the development of a new calibrated and grid-connected hydrokinetic test site on the Winnipeg River in Manitoba. The test site will allow hydrokinetic turbine manufacturers to test turbine systems fully integrated on to the grid. The project will also assist in accelerating Canada’s development of hydrokinetic turbine technologies by addressing the identified pre-commercialization needs contained in the Canadian Marine Renewable Energy Technology Roadmap.
Project Partners:
Clean Current Power Systems Inc.
New Energy Corp.
Mavi Innovations Inc.
Manitoba Hydro
West Coast Wave Initiative
Lead Proponent: University of Victoria
Location: Victoria, British Columbia
Funding: $1,682,500
The objective of this project is to develop a precise description of the raw wave energy resources available in Canada; the potential of wave energy converters (WECs) to harness that resource; and, the means to incorporate that converted power in electrical grids. The project will focus on the West Coast of Vancouver Island – a strategic region for wave energy – and will develop a low cost numerical test bed for WECs in the region. The performance data collected will be used to consider means for wave energy integration at multiple scales.
Project Partners:
Axys Technologies
Carnegie Wave Energy
Cascadia Coastal Research
Dynamic Systems Analysis
Ocean Energy Ltd.
Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions
Resolute Marine Energy
Seawood Designs Inc.
Triple X Energy
Development of Codes and Standards for Marine Energy Converters
Lead Proponent: Marine Renewables Canada Society
Location: Nanaimo, British Columbia
Funding: $1,000,000
This project is primarily focused on maintaining and enhancing Canada’s participation in the development of international standards and technical specifications for renewable marine energy conversion systems. The Canadian marine renewable energy industry has played a leading and active role in the development of International Standards through the International Electrotechnical Commission Technical Committee 114 for “Marine Energy – Wave, Tidal and other Water Current Energy Converters” since 2007.
Project Partners:
Acadia University
Bhuyan Consulting
Cascadia Coast Research Ltd.
Clean Current Power Systems Ltd.
Canadian Standards Association – CSA Group
Dalhousie University
Dynamic Systems Analysis Ltd.
Glas Ocean Engineering Consulting
Mavi Innovations
Powertech Labs
University of Victoria
Front End Engineering and Design Study: Dent Island Tidal Power Generation Project
Lead Proponent: Water Wall Turbine Inc.
Location: Lions Bay, British Columbia
Funding: $300,000
This Front End Engineering and Design study will help define the engineering and design requirements of a 500 kW floating tidal turbine system that could operate in remote areas along the British Columbiacoastline. The study is expected to validate the merits of the Water Wall Turbine as a viable renewable energy technology, leading to commercialization and capture of the abundance of tidal and river stream energy sources. This technology could be used in the future to produce emission-free renewable electric power, particularly for remote communities, both in Canada and internationally.