Marine Renewables Canada Mission to ICOE 2018 – Normandy, France – June 11-15, 2018 (ICOE dates are June 12-14)

Marine Renewables Canada, with anticipated (TBC) support from ACOA, Global Affairs Canada and the Nova Scotia Department of Energy, is leading a marine renewable energy mission to the 7th International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE) being held in Normandy, France from June 12-14, 2018 (Mission dates would be June 11-15, 2018).

ICOE 2018 official website

The International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE) is regarded as the world’s pre-eminent marine renewable energy industry development event, attracting international industry leaders, research experts, and government leaders from over 25 countries. ICOE 2018 will be the largest marine renewable energy focused event in the world with leading experts and industry leaders. The event will include an exhibition/tradeshow of 125+ exhibitors, over 800 delegates, side and networking events, a 3-day conference program, site visits/technical tours, and a gala dinner.

Potential funding for Marine Renewables Canada members:
***partial travel funding may be available (through Global Affairs Canada) for Marine Renewables Canada Members (available to members only).  We have applied for this funding and expect to receive confirmation by March 2018.

Following are the mission activities that will be offered to all those who register to participate in the Canadian Mission to ICOE 2018:

Matchmaking services (for those that register for it): Professional matchmaking services will be contracted for mission participants who register to use the service. This contracted matchmaker will work with companies one-on-one to identify organizations of interest and set up meetings.
Pavilion in the ICOE 2018 Exhibition:  Marine Renewables Canada has secured optimal booth space and will secure a contractor to build the Pavilion. The pavilion theme will be in keeping with past missions to ICOE to continue the Canadian presence and profile that has been established. Our aim is for the pavilion will have bistro-style kiosks, and a meeting or “gathering” place.  It will also enable mission companies to display their logos, provide information specific to their firm, and provide a space to meet with other companies. The final design will have to take into account the number of companies participating in the mission.
*1 Exhibitor badge per company and a 1 company listing in the exhibitor program will be provided.
** For access to the conference sessions, you must register separately as a conference delegate.
Pre-Mission Briefing (in-country) Meeting: An in-country briefing will be held the day before the conference/exhibition begins for all attending delegates. Marine Renewables Canada will provide a sector orientation and team profile session for participants on site. This will allow all aspects of the mission—booth, networking opportunities, events, etc. to be reviewed.  We are also looking at combining this with a “Meet your Trade Commissioners” session that will allow delegates the opportunity to talk to the Canadian Trade Commissioners present from other countries (TBC).
Promotional Materials (Company promotional booklet, graphics and printing): To highlight Canada’s leadership role in the marine renewable energy industry and establish a global presence for Canadian firms, a booklet will be developed to include participant firms’ information (company name, logo, contact/website, company bio).
Networking Activities & Invites: Marine Renewables Canada will work with the ICOE organizers and Canadian Consulate to organize and/or secure invitations to beneficial networking events during ICOE.
Canada Reception: We are looking at hosting a Canada Reception during ICOE 2018 to provide the opportunity for mission attendees to invite and network with other ICOE attendees and key industry players. More information on the date and location to be announced.
Support Staff: Two Marine Renewables Canada staff will be on hand to assist at the booth, provide information on Canadian initiatives and opportunities, assist members of the mission, and provide logistics support for the duration of the conference.


Mission Only (access to Pavilion, Briefing Session, Networking Events, Reception)
$500 + tax (per company)

Mission & Matchmaking Service (access to Pavilion, Briefing Session, Networking Events, Reception & Matchmaking Services)
$750 + tax (per company)

CLICK HERE to register

***Please note that the above fees do not include access to the conference sessions.  You would need to register as a delegate to gain access to sessions and plenaries. The cost is 580 + vat. You can do this online at:


Travel information (flight, train, ferry etc.) can be found on the ICOE website at: