Join Marine Renewables Canada (MRC) on January 7th for a webinar introducing the “Atlantic Wind Energy Supply Chain Assessment & Pathways for Supply Chain Development” project – an assessment of offshore and onshore wind energy supply chains in the provinces of Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island commissioned by MRC with support from Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables, and Prince Edward Island Energy Corporation.
The aim of this study is to assess opportunities, strengths, and challenges in the existing Atlantic Canadian supply chain and identify pathways for ensuring the region has strong capabilities and capacity to support growth of offshore and onshore wind. Xodus Group and its partners Angler Solutions, Envigour Policy Consulting who are leading the study, supported by an expert team of local industry advisors will provide an overview of the work to date and next steps.
This webinar is targeted at engaging local businesses and communities in Atlantic Canada that have interests in the wind energy supply chain and will:
✓ Introduce attendees to the overall project objectives
✓ Provide information on offshore/onshore wind supply chains
✓ Detail what is entailed in the project development and execution process to give companies an idea of where they might fit and what products/services are required to support these industries
In addition, we are also aiming to collect baseline information about local suppliers that will supplement research underway to determine existing and potential supply chain strengths and gaps in Atlantic Canada. Your insights, paired with the results of an Atlantic Canada supply chain assessment, will be synthesized into actionable recommendations that will establish sustainable industries, maximize local benefits and content, de-risk future.
Register for this webinar, and complete the following intake form which will help inform the supply chain assessment component of the study. If you are unable to attend the webinar, we still encourage and invite you to complete this intake form as the data you provide will be an important part of informing the study.
All responses to the intake form will be anonymized in the Final Report.
For more information about this initiative, see our backgrounder.