Analysis of Global Offshore Wind Auction Frameworks and Recommendations for the Canadian Context 

Canada’s Ocean Supercluster and MRC commissioned OWC, a specialist global offshore wind consultancy, to prepare a detailed report on how seabed leasing rounds for offshore wind projects may be structured, designed and implemented for the Canadian market. This topic is particularly important as Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador work to implement the updated Accord Acts following Bill C-49 reaching royal assent in October.

There is growing awareness across markets that seabed leasing (and auction) processes can significantly influence industry direction. The aim of this report is, therefore, to make recommendations as to how to maximise this opportunity to use the leasing round as a mechanism to positively shape the industry as it matures in Canada, and conversely, ensure pitfalls that have been highlighted in other jurisdictions are avoided.

MRC will be using this report to engage and have important discussions with government regulatory bodies about seabed leasing and auction design. It is also a useful resource for industry and different stakeholder groups, providing details on the intricacies of leasing round design to promote better understanding of the issues and help support more meaningful future engagement activities.

Read the report summary here:
→ English Version
→ French Version

The full report can be provided upon request. Please email